laminate veneers

Aesthetic Appearance

Laminate Veneers

Laminate veneers have become a standard treatment method, especially for anterior teeth, due to their aesthetic appeal, biocompatibility, and long-term durability. Porcelain laminate veneers are often preferred for masking or correcting misalignments and mispositioning, repairing old composite restorations, incisal abrasions, tooth erosions, chips, cracks, and discolorations.

Laminate veneers are produced with three main production techniques: resin-based ceramic, silicate ceramic, and oxide ceramics. Due to many different production methods, it is possible to craft laminate veneers at desired tooth color and desired degree of opacity. Even more durable laminate veneers can be produced using lithium disilicate or aluminum oxide ceramic.

Laminate veneers, the indispensable instruments of aesthetic treatments, should be made by a skillful cosmetic dentist. Here in Turkey, this area of dentistry is so popular. Over a hundred thousand Europeans choose Turkey every year and carry Turkish dentist’s signs on their mouths.

What are Laminate Veneers?

The laminate veneer is an aesthetic treatment usually applied to anterior teeth with no or very minimal abrasion from the teeth to which they are applied. Since the laminate veneers adhere to tooth enamel, dentists shouldn’t exceed the depth of 0.4-0.5 mm.

Some laminate veneer types are strengthened with aluminum or zirconia to make them more resistant to breakage. In addition, thanks to the developments in adhesive technologies in the last few years, longer adhesion times have been achieved.

Laminate Veneers Procedure

In dental laminates, aesthetics are at the forefront. In this respect, the first stage of treatment, the consultation, is very significant. The patient should communicate to the dentist all of his or her expectations. The dentist should also show the expected results using a mock-up. We will walk you through what this treatment entails after we address this critical detail.


The dentist performs intraoral examinations and takes X-Ray and 3D pictures of the teeth. Then he makes the necessary cleanings in the mouth and treats any caries. Sometimes orthodontic treatments may be required before the insertion of veneers.

Laminate Veneers Tooth Preparation

To attach laminate veneers to teeth, the dentist performs some scraping (0,3-0,5mm) from the tooth surface without entering the dentine area. In this respect, excessively stained teeth may not be suitable for laminate veneers because too much scraping is required.

Temporary Veneers

The dentist takes measurements using wax or intraoral scans and discharges the patient by inserting temporary veneers.

Second Visit

4 to 5 days later, when the permanent veneers are crafted, the patient called again. The dentist removes previous veneers and performs the last measurements. After final corrections to the permanent veneers, the patient wears his laminate teeth.

There may be three appointments with the dentist, or some clinics claim to be able to apply veneers in just 20 minutes. A longer or shorter treatment period doesn’t mean higher quality.

Faccette Dentali

Laminate Veneers Advantages

  • There is a minimal amount of tooth substance lost from the enamel.
  • They are more aesthetic than crowns or zirconia veneers.
  • They are resistant to abrasion and coloration.
  • They are compatible with periodontal tissues and do not prepare the environment for plaque formation.
  • They are cheap.
  • They are more robust and durable than many composite restorations in the anterior region.
  • The clinical procedure is simple due to less dental laminate preparation
  • They are more acceptable for patients with physical discomfort and emotional stress.
  • There is no need to push the gingival tissues during the measurement phase.
  • They have high retention features compared to other aesthetic coating materials.
  • They do not always require temporary restoration.

Disadvantages of Laminate Veneers

  • They are brittle, but they are strengthened by self-polymerizing or light-polymerized composite resins placed underneath.
  • Laminate veneers can be produced in any color you wish. However, since the color is composed of laminate veneers, composite resin, and natural tooth color, the dentist’s experience is critical to the right color tone.
  • Due to contours on the tooth surface, the total thickness of the tooth may increase.

zirconia veneers

Dental Veneers Before After Photos

FAQ of Laminate Veneers

Here are some questions and answers about laminate veneers, one of the most commonly used aesthetic dentistry methods.

Who is Laminate Veneers Suitable For?

Laminate veneers are convenient treatments for everyone, but they are ideal, especially for young who want to achieve a beautiful aesthetic appearance without damaging their teeth too much.

Are Laminate Veneers Good?

Laminate veneers can solve many problems in your mouth. But it would not be right to expect anything beyond their capabilities. For larger problems, orthodontic treatment or crowns may be required. Laminate veneers are also not preferred for deep stains on the teeth. Because these stains require a large amount of trimming from the tooth surface.

Do Laminate Veneers Look Natural?

There are many ways to achieve the desired tooth color with laminate veneers. Due to their transparent structure, they are, however, affected by the color of the adhesive and the natural tooth. Therefore, the dentist needs to adjust well the combination of elements that affect the color.

Do Laminate Veneers Damage Teeth?

Laminate veneers can cause two different damage to the teeth. As well as scrapings on the tooth surface for laminate veneer preparation, they can also damage the opposite teeth’s enamel.

Are Laminate Veneers Permanent?

Laminate veneers are produced for permanent purposes, and with appropriate oral care, they continue to maintain their glittering shape for up to 15 years. However, after the 15th year, staining or discoloration at the junctions of teeth and gums may occur due to the recession in the gum.

How Long Does It Take to Get Laminate Veneers?

Laminate veneer treatment usually consists of 2 sessions which last one week on average. However, small veneer treatments can be performed in a single session, or more extensive laminate veneer treatments may take up to 3 sessions.

How Do You Look After Laminate Veneers?

As long as you keep your teeth clean, they will preserve their brilliance. But some crucial aspects of wearing your veneer are as follows;

  • According to the American Dental Association, you should avoid toothpaste that has whitening properties after veneer treatment. Despite whitening toothpaste being effective for natural teeth, it can cause micro scratches in the veneers, resulting in future staining.

On the other hand, the level of grittiness can be high in toothpaste that does not have whitening properties. This toothpaste can cause more abrasion than whitening toothpaste. So, the RDA (Relative Dentine Abrasivity) value of toothpaste should be lower than 70.

  • Soft Brush; Like toothpaste, some kinds of toothbrushes may also scratch your teeth. So, get the softest toothbrushes.

Keep Regular Visits and Polish Your Veneers; Polishing your veneers not only provides an aesthetic appearance but also protects your surfaces from outside effects.

veneers before after

Where is the best country to get veneers?

A country with highly developed cosmetic dentistry can provide you with both high-quality dental care and affordable treatment.

Turkey, Hungary, Croatia, and Poland are the top European dental treatment countries. Specifically, Hungary and Turkey are the two leading European dental tourism countries. Turkey is a great choice for dental treatment because patients can meet all kinds of treatment needs in addition to getting quality care.

How much are Laminate Veneers?

Laminate veneers are considered an aesthetic dental treatment. The biggest determiner of the teeth laminate cost is how many laminate veneers you need. Prices range from £650-£950 for a single laminate veneer in the UK. £3600-£4000 for 6 veneers, £4800-£6000 for eight masks, and £10000-£12000 for 10 veneers or more.

Due to different conditions, there are huge differences between prices in each country. In the United States and Canada, costs are higher than in the UK, while lower prices can be observed in Germany and other European countries.

Laminate veneers Turkey offers high-quality services for veneer treatments. Laminate veneers in Turkey cost between £150-£250 per laminate veneer, and you can enjoy a luxurious holiday there.

zirconium veneers

Why are veneers so cheap in Turkey?

Monthly expenses of clinics are the most significant factor in determining dental costs. Now let’s compare the monthly expenses of 2 clinics that employ 5 dentists between the UK and Turkey.

laminate veneers

Even if the clinic in Turkey uses the same dental materials, its monthly expenditures are still 3 times less than a clinic in the UK. Another reason affecting the prices is that while taxes are quite low in Turkey, they are extremely high in many countries like the UK.

Laminate Veneers in Turkey

Turkey is among the leading countries that host sophisticated dental tourism facilities. There is no doubt that the countries that have experienced rapid growth in the dentistry industry in recent years have very little experience in this field. The only reason they do it is to benefit from dental tourism.

However, Turkey has a long historical experience in every field of modern medicine, and its success results from its deep history in every field of medicine.

Laminate Veneer Antalya;

In addition to receiving quality treatment in Turkey, you can enjoy the cool waters of Antalya at a cost that is less than that of your home country. At Lara Smile in Antalya, we are dedicated to providing preventive dental care first, followed by minimal dental treatment to meet your needs. Our skilled and knowledgeable team is ready to help you.